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  3. Akademik Lomonosov FPU leaves Baltiysky Zavod shipyard for Murmansk (photo)

2018 April 28   11:37

Akademik Lomonosov FPU leaves Baltiysky Zavod shipyard for Murmansk (photo)

On 28 April 2018, the world’s first floating power unit, the Akademik Lomonosov, left the Baltiysky Zavod shipyard (Saint-Petersburg, United Shipbuilding Corporation) where it had been under construction from 2009, say IAA PortNews correspondent.
According to Dmitry Alekseyenko, deputy head of Rosenergoatom Concern’s Directorate for construction and operation of FNPP, the towing of FPU to the port of destination in Chukotka will comprise two phases: towing from Saint-Petersburg to Murmansk and from Murmansk to Pevek. 

“First, the FPU with no nuclear fuel will be towed from the territory of the Baltiysky Zavod shipyard (Saint-Petersburg) to the berth of FSUE Aomflot in the port of Murmansk. The second phase is schedule for summer 2019 – the fueled FPU with crewmembers onboard will be delivered from the port of Murmansk to the port of Pevek”, said Dmitry Alekseyenko.
According to Vitaly Trutnev, head of the Directorate, the work under the contract with Baltiysky Zavod have been completed.  

“The following activities are to be performed in the territory of FSUE Atomflot in Murmansk  -  our next challenge is to prepare the facility for taking nuclear fuel”, he added. 
FBI Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot (Federal Marine and River Transport Agency) will provide a package of services on towing and maneuvering related to transportation of the Akademik Lomonosov FPU (floating power unit Project 20870) from Big Port St. Petersburg to the port of Murmansk  and its standard towing from Murmansk to the port of Pevek. Estimated average speed of the convoy moving along the route is 3.5 knots if hydro- and meteo-conditions are favorable and there are no circumstance to cause any delay.

The construction of coastal facilities and hydraulic engineering structures under FNPP project in Chukotka is expected to be completed in August 2019.
Nuclear reactor loading and its start-up is scheduled will be held in autumn 2018 in Murmansk. Then FPU will be delivered by the Northern Sea Route to the place of operation in Pevek where it will be connected to the coastal infrastructure.

When put into operation in 2019, the FNPP will be the world’s northernmost nuclear-powered plant. It is to replace the technologically obsolete Bilibinskaya NPP and Chaunskaya TPP. 

The floating power unit (FPU) of Project 20870 is to operate as a part of floating nuclear power plant. The station is equipped with KLT-40 C reactors generating up to 70 MW of electricity and 50 Gcal / h of heat energy in the nominal operating mode, which is enough to support the city with a population of more than 200 000 people. The floating power unit is intended for operation in the Far North and in the Far East regions. The lead FPU, the Akademik Lomonosov FPU, is intended for the floating nuclear power plant in Pevek (the Chukotka Autonomous District). It is a unique project of the world’s first mobile power unit of low capacity. The main purpose of the project is to supply power to large industrial enterprises, port cities as well as offshore gas and oil platforms.  

FPU characteristics: LOA: 140 m, beam: 30 m, draft: 5.56 m, displacement – 21,500 tonnes, crew – 69. 
The facility can easily be converted into a desalination plant producing up to 240,000 cbm / day of fresh water. The floating plant’s design service life is 35 to 40 years. Reactor refueling is to be performed every 2.5 - 3 years.

The floating nuclear power plant is overdesigned to meet all the possible risks and ensure the reactors’ unvulnerability in case of tsunami and other disasters. Nuclear processes comply with all the requirements of International Atomic Energy Agency and present no risks for the environment.

Baltiysky Zavod OJSC (Saint-Petersburg) specializes in construction of rank 1 surface-crafts, ice class vessels with nuclear and diesel-electric propulsion plants, nuclear floating energy units, floating distilling plants.

The shipyard was set up in 1856. In its history Baltiysky Zavod which had built over 600 ships and vessels.  The Company’s staff currently numbers over 6,000 employees.

United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC OJSC) is the largest shipbuilding company in Russia. It was set up in 2007 with 100% federal ownership. The holding comprises 40 companies and organizations (major shipbuilding and shiprepairing companies as well as leading design bureaus). Currently, USC consolidates the bulk of the domestic shipbuilding complex. The Russian market is the main focus of the state corporation though it also exports its products to 20 countries worldwide.

Related links:

Akademik Lomonosov FPU to be towed to Murmansk in May 2018, to Pevek – by August 2019 >>>>

Coastal facilities and hydraulic engineering structures under FNPP project in Chukotka to be completed in August 2019 >>>>

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