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2019 November 1   11:40

Next CEF multi-annual call launched

BPO says the next CEF multi-annual call launched. The call includes a priority for Motorways of the Sea projects with a budget of 30m euros. The deadline for submitting of project proposals is February 26th, 2020. The list of selected projects should be known by July, next year.

There have been two focus points listed for actions within the Motorways of the Sea (MoS). The first priority are projects centered around the implementation of new facilities and technologies enabling provision and use of alternative fuels. LNG bunkering and shoreside electricity have been mentioned as examples. This should be seen as an advantage for the maritime transport sector in the Baltics. Stakeholders from the Baltic Sea region have gathered a lot of experience with both technologies over the years.

The second priority is the alleviation of congestion and reduction of the environmental impact of land transport. It has been suggested that this might be achieved by creation of alternative short sea shipping routes. Yet another area in which the Baltic transport industry can bring a lot of knowledge to the table.

The Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) will also organize a special MoS Project Management Workshop. The goal of the meeting will be to enable stakeholders to better understand, prepare and strengthen MoS projects, as well as make the participants aware of the particularities and reoccurring issues which may come up when implementing selected MoS actions. The workshop is aimed at all MoS stakeholders, both in the public and private domain. Prof. Kurt Bodewig, the European Coordinator for the MoS will be present at the event. The meeting will take place on November 21st, 2019.

Additionally, an online info session will be held on November 7th, 2019. The stream will begin at 9:30 and requires registration. A recording will be made available to the public 24 hours after the event. More information and the registration link can be found on INEA’s website.

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