With the release of BIMCO’s Shipping KPI version 4, expected to be released by end September, new Performance Indicators (PIs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) will be introduced with the aim to facilitate better benchmarking of operational maintenance and first aid cases.
With the implementation of new PIs and KPIs, the BIMCO Shipping KPI will see an improvement in terms of benchmarking on essential human resource parameters and operational maintenance. The new PIs are in line with Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) Tanker Management Self-Assessment standard, but the First Aid PI is going beyond the OCIMF Guidance and requirements. The First Aid PI is important to monitor and record to gain a more accurate picture of incidents and accidents taking place on board.
The new PIs are as follows: Overdue tasks in Planned Maintenance System (PMS); Medical Treatment Cases; First Aid Cases.
With the new PIs also come new KPIs:
The PI for Medical Treatment Cases amends the established KPI: Total Recordable Case Frequency (TRCF) and in conjunction to this and the PI for First Aid Cases establishes a new KPI: TRCF + First Aid Cases. These amendments will ultimately provide owners and managers with better tools to mitigate lost time due to work-related health and safety cases.
The third new PI: Overdue tasks in the PMS amends the established KPI: Operational deficiencies, whereby in addition to the number of operational related deficiencies it is divided by the number of external inspections, providing users with an even better overview of the operational capacity and performance of their ships.
The BIMCO Shipping KPI is continuously being developed to support owners and managers in their ambitions to improve performance. Adding the new PIs helps them achieve this.