The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom) has carried out an impact assessment surveying maritime operators’ views regarding the N2000 fairway and nautical chart reform. The assessment involved surveying operators’ opinions on how they think that the reform will impact the maritime sector. The issues highlighted by the impact assessment provided valuable additional information that will be utilised in the reform project.
The N2000 fairway and nautical chart reform will implement a new harmonised reference level for depth information that is tied to the N2000 vertical coordinate reference system. As part of the ongoing project, Traficom carried out an impact assessment surveying maritime industry operators’ views on the impacts of the reform. The assessment focused particularly on the implementation of the N2000 vertical coordinate reference system from the perspectives of navigation and merchant shipping as well as ensuring effective communications and the flow of information.
Those who participated in the interviews saw that the implementation of the N2000 vertical coordinate reference system will have both positive and negative impacts on safety. Cooperation and risk management were seen as important for facilitating positive safety impacts. As regards merchant shipping, the reform was considered to have positive but fairly localised impacts. As regards communication and the flow of information, cooperation was highlighted as an important aspect.
“We would like to thank everyone who participated in the interviews for their important contribution to the N2000 project. The impact assessment provided a wealth of valuable information on prevailing practices in the sector and operators’ views regarding the reform, which we will be utilising in the project and the planning of the implementation,” says Team Leader Janina Tapia Cotrino.
Those who participated in the survey have already been provided access to the impact assessment. The conclusions presented in the impact assessment are based on the views of Traficom’s maritime interest groups. They are indicative and intended first and foremost to support decision-making.