Rosmorport says the third shift of Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping cadets came on board of the Mir sailing ship of FSUE “Rosmorport” at the seaport Big Port of St. Petersburg. 132 students from the Arctic nautical institute named after V.I.Voronin and the "Marine Academy" Institute of the Admiral Makarov State University of Maritime and Inland Shipping will be trained on board of the frigate until November 29. During this time, they will be able not only to demonstrate all their knowledge and skills but also to learn to work in a team.
During the new shift, the cadets will be able to work out practical issues of training practice in navigation, ship construction, and get acquainted with the operation of ship mechanisms. In addition, they will comprehend all the complexities of the frigate's rigging and acquire practical skills in its operation.
The practice plan includes training on how to keep a ship in seaworthy condition and how to use radio navigation devices to ensure safe maritime traffic. The cadets will also be able to practice vital skills for any sailor to prevent fire on the ship, as well as to use rescue equipment and devices.