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2021 March 18   10:44

DeloPorts receives permit for commissioning new grain berth

DeloPorts, a stevedore asset of the largest transport and logistics holding in Russia, Delo Group, says it received a permit from the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) to commission a new deep-water grain berth No. 40A, constructed within the framework of a large investment project "Reconstruction of the grain terminal with an increase in cargo turnover to 4 million tons", implemented jointly with Rosmorport. The permit was received by the company in March 2021.

DeloPorts, a stevedore asset of the largest transport and logistics holding in Russia, Delo Group, received a permit from the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) to commission a new deep-water grain berth No. 40A, constructed within the framework of a large investment project "Reconstruction of the grain terminal with an increase in cargo turnover to 4 million tons", implemented jointly with Rosmorport. The permit was received by the company in March 2021.

The construction process of the berth for the KSK Grain Terminal started in June 2019. It included the reconstruction of the Rosmorport facilities (the formed territory and the wave barrier breakwater), and the construction of the berthing facilities, which was carried out in an innovative way from both sides, from the sea and from the land, with dredging of the water area. The main construction contractor was Novorostekhflot.

The construction of all the main facilities was efficiently and timely completed in January 2021. After that, all the necessary documents were sent to Rosmorrechflot to obtain permission to commission the berth. Dredging of the water area is ongoing.

The total cost of the project was 1.6 billion rubles, including 190 million spent on the reconstruction of federal facilities, and more than 1.4 billion rubles were spent on the construction of the berth.

According to the company’s estimates, the first vessel will be received at the renewed KSK Grain Terminal in July 2021.

Igor Yakovenko, Chief Executive Officer of DeloPorts, said: “The main stage of reconstruction of KSK has been completed. The decision of Rosmorrechflot to allow the commissioning of berth  № 40A, built on schedule in difficult conditions, testifies to the high standards of work quality and responsibility, demonstrated by the DeloPorts team, our partners from Rosmorport and contractors from Novorostekhflot”.

DeloPorts is a holding company that owns and operates stevedore assets of Delo Group in the port of Novorossiysk. DeloPorts consolidates NUTEP Container Terminal, KSK Grain Terminal and Delo Service Company.

Delo Group is the largest transport and logistics holding in Russia, managing sea container terminals in the Azov-Black Sea, Baltic and Far Eastern basins, a network of railway container terminals, a fleet of containers and fitting platforms. The parent company of the Group is LLC MC Delo, 70% owned by the founder of the Group, Sergey Shishkarev, and 30% is owned by State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom.

The Group's stevedoring business includes DeloPorts holding and Global Ports, a leading container terminal operator. The transport and logistics business of the Group is made up of the multimodal transport operator Ruscon and the intermodal container operator TransContainer that owns and operates the largest fleet of containers and flatcars over the entire 1520 standard railway network.

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