Under the programmes of basic professional education, MRA trained 524 people (+27%) including 105 people trained trained in the framework of MRA cooperation with the Employment Center of Saint-Petersburg. The most popular programmes of initial training were “loader driver” (107 people) and “dock engineer” (92 people). Advanced professional education courses were selected by 172 specialists with operation of road-building and handling equipment being the most popular course.
Every year, Marine Recruiting Agency arranges apprenticeship for students of related educational institutions. From the beginning of the year, MKA trained 29 cadets of D.N. Senyavin Marine Technical College who got a job of tallyman.
Additional training programmes were selected by 156 people (+20%) who used to select mostly labour safety and fire safety basics.
In April, MRA launched a new course - Small Craft Navigation. Upon completion of the course, the trainees hold a knowledge examination at State Inspectorate for Small Vessels and obtain a state licence for operation of small-size crafts, boats and water scooters in Russia.