Investment is one of many projects to promote goods movement fluidity and sustainable cargo growth
The California Transportation Commission (CTC) approved $175 million in funding today for the 7th Street Grade Separation East Project (Project). The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) partnered with the CTC and the City and Port of Oakland to advance this high-priority goods movement project into construction. The Project will realign and reconstruct a primary trucking and access gateway into the Port of Oakland. The reconstructed access into the Oakland Seaport will relieve truck and vehicle congestion, increase safety and provide flexibility for seaport cargo operations. The Project includes a shared bicycle/pedestrian pathway for public access to the Middle Harbor Shoreline Park and will increase efficiency, foster sustainability and support the entire Northern California economy.
The Alameda County Transportation Commission will manage the project with financial and engineering support from the Port of Oakland. Other project partners include the Federal Highway Administration, the California Transportation Commission, the California Department of Transportation, Union Pacific Railroad, BART, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the City of Oakland and several utility agencies.
The CTC’s approval today of the $175 million in state funding from the Senate Bill 1 Trade Corridors Enhancement Program will allow the 7th Street Grade Separation East Project to go to construction in 2023.
Project need:
- Support regional economic development and Port growth potential;
- Minimize likelihood of freight infrastructure failure;
- Provide access and infrastructure improvements for effective multimodal transportation for rail, trucks, automobiles, bicyclists and pedestrians; and
- Support safe transportation system operations.
Project benefits:
- Improves safety, efficiency and reliability of truck and rail access to the Oakland Seaport;
- Reduces congestion and improves mobility;
- Reduces emissions and greenhouse gases;
- Provides bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to the Bay Trail system; and
- Increases job opportunities.
The Alameda County Transportation Commission (Alameda CTC) coordinates countywide transportation planning and delivers essential, voter-supported transportation improvements in every city throughout Alameda County. Funding sources for Alameda CTC’s expenditure plans include Measure B, approved by 81.5 percent of County voters in 2000, and Measure BB, approved by more than 70 percent of voters in 2014. Visit Alameda CTC’s website to learn more, and follow Alameda CTC on Facebook and Twitter.
The Port of Oakland oversees the Oakland Seaport, Oakland International Airport, and nearly 20 miles of waterfront including Jack London Square. The Port's 5-year strategic plan - Growth with Care - pairs business expansion with community benefits, envisioning more jobs and economic stimulus as the Port grows. Together with its business partners, the Port supports more than 84,000 jobs.