Vitebsk Branch of Oktyabrskaya Railway – 9M06 loading results
Vitebsk Branch of Oktyabrskaya Railway (RZD branch) loaded about 8.4 million tons of cargo at Saint Petersburg stations in January-September 2006, ORW’s PR service reports. According to the service, the result exceeds the plan by almost 50 thou tons. In September the plan was exceeded by almost 5 thou tons amounting to 950 thou tons. Through 9 month of 2006 Vitebsk branch loaded 1.8 million tons of timber, 1.2 million tons of construction materials, 1.2 million tons of import cargo, almost 900 thou tons of oil cargo, 236.5 thou tons of ferrous metals, 226 thou tons of compound animal feeding stuff. Result of Saint Petersburg port railway stations through 9 months of 2006 is the following: New Port – 774 thou tons (against planned 723 thou tons), Avtovo – 822 thou tons (against planned 783 thou tons).