Shipbuilding group Wadan Yards has delivered a new ice-class container carrier to its customer, Norilsk Nickel OJSC, the company reports. The ceremony of name giving and delivery was held on December 11 at shipyards in Wismar and Rostock-Warnemünde (Germany). On December 12, the vessel named Talnakh leaves Germany for Russia to be deployed for operation at the Northern Sea Route.
The Talnakh is the third ice-breaking container cargo ship of the type Aker Arctic CS 650 for arctic operation built for OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel. Norilsk Nickel ordered four vessels of the 18,339 dwt type Aker Arctic CS 650 with a total contract value of about EUR 320 million in July 2006. One vessels costs some EUR82 million.
This Double Acting Ship is able to break the ice of some 1.5 meter in thickness with a speed of up to 5 knots.
The containership’s length is 169 m, breadth – 23.1 m, deadweight – 18,339 tonnes. The Talnakh is capable of carrying up to 700 standard containers.