In navigation of 2008, the ports of Chukotka handled 623,500 tones of cargo (-18%, year-on-year), Administration of Chukotka Autonomous District reports.
The number of calls amounted to 258 (-5%, year-on-year).
According to the participants of the District’s Maritime Board the major projects today are depreciation of equipment and hydraulic engineering facilities.
Chukotka seaports – Anadyr, Pevek, Providenije, Beringovski and Egvenkinot – do not have their own average- and large-capacity fleet. Their major task is to handle cargo delivered from Murmansk, Archangelsk, Kandalaksha, Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Vanino, Magadan, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatski and the ports of Sakhalin. Navigation period lasts from July to October or Novorossiysk depending on the port.