On 21 March 2014 the Astrakhan Branch conducted a transportation security exercise with the crews of Kapitan Bukayev, Kapitan Chechkin and Kapitan Metsayk icebreakers in order to prevent and contain unlawful acts at those vessels, in particular the ones occurring as a result of possible terroristic acts, FSUE Rosmorport says in its press release.
The main purpose of the exercise was to rehearse the crew members’ actions in case of different levels of threats of unlawful acts dangerous for safe operation of the Astrakhan Branch icebreakers, to increase quickness of reaction and improve coordination between the crew members and transport security divisions of the branch and with the territorial divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and Federal Security Service of Russia.
During the exercise the icebreakers’ crews showed fair knowledge of the Russian legislation in the field of transportation security, and also demonstrated their practical skills of fighting potential unlawful acts threatening stable operation of the Astrakhan Branch icebreakers.
As a result of the exercise all actions of the icebreakers crews were summarized in order to improve future trainings of crews at the other vessels of the branch in order to maintain high level of readiness to provide transportation security of the Astrakhan Branch transport infrastructure facilities.