By Ministry of Transport of Russia order dated 22.01.2014 No. 15 the Compulsory Regulations in Nevelsk Seaport were approved, FSUE Rosmorport informs.
The new Compulsory Regulations in Nevelsk Seaport stipulate:
- rules for calls and exits of vessels from Nevelsk Seaport, as well as rules for vessel navigation and mooring at the seaport;
- rules for provision of environmental safety and quarantine in Nevelsk Seaport;
- rules for the usage of special communication devices in the territory and water area of the seaport and marine terminals.
Also the Compulsory Regulations in Nevelsk Seaport contain information about:
- technical capacities of Nevelsk seaport regarding admission of vessels, description of the seaport water area sites and depths, as well as the anchorages;
- compulsory pilotage area borders in Nevelsk Seaport;
- minimal amount and power of tow boats necessary for mooring operations in Nevelsk Seaport;
- description of GMDSS A1 and A2 sea areas;
- transmission of navigation and weather information to masters of vessels staying in Nevelsk Seaport, as well as transmission of information in case of threat of illegal intrusive activities in the seaport,
and other information required by the Russian trade shipping legislation.
In comparison with the former Compulsory Regulations in Nevelsk Fishing Seaport approved in 2001, the new edition of the document has undergone drastic changes in order to meet the unified requirements of the Ministry of Transport of Russia to the structure and content of compulsory regulations in the seaports of the Russian Federation.
In particular, the new document sets the uniform rules for providing navigation safety and order within the territory and water area of Nevelsk Seaport consisting of six marine terminals: Nevelsk, North Kurilsk, Kurilsk, South Kurilsk, Malokurilsk and Krabozavodsk located on the islands of Sakhalin, Paramushir, Iturup, Kunashir and Shikotan respectively. In addition, the new Compulsory Regulations have changed the list of grounds for exemption from compulsory pilotage of vessels in the areas of their compulsory pilotage in the Nevelsk Seaport.
The Ministry of Transport of Russia order approving the new Compulsory Regulations in Nevelsk Seaport is to become effective in accordance with the established procedure within 10 days from the date of its official publication.