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  3. Review of cargo handling in Klaipeda Seaport, at Butingės Terminal and other Eastern Coast Baltic seaports in Jan-Apr’15

2015 May 22   12:02

Review of cargo handling in Klaipeda Seaport, at Butingės Terminal and other Eastern Coast Baltic seaports in Jan-Apr’15

Within the period of January – April of 2015 Klaipeda Seaport cargo handling turnover increased by 2,4 pct. to  12,18 mln tn, i.e. more by 284,3 thou. tn comparing with the corresponding period of 2014, the port's release says.

Year-on-year changes of overall turnover  in January - April of 2015 according to cargo types:

Liquid cargo – 3 374,0  thou tn were handled, +34,2 pct. or +859,1 thou. tn yoy;

General cargo – 3 748,2 thou. tn were handled, +0,5 pct. or +19,7 thou. tn yoy;

Dry and bulk cargo – 5 055,2 thou. tn were handled, -10,5 pct. or more -594,5 thou. tn yoy

Cargo group


Yoy change

 in pct.

01-04 of 2014

01-04 of 2015


11 893 135,5

12 177 437,7


Liquid cargo

2 514 828,8

3 373 971,5


General cargo

3 728 562,0

3 748 227,8


Dry and bulk cargo

5 649 744,7

5 055 238,4



2 028 vessels were reported to call Klaipeda Seaport in January – April of 2015,i.e. less by 7,5 pct. or by 164 vessels comparing with the corresponding period of 2014. 

This means that the segment of larger vessels continues to increase relatively. Statistical data of the late years proves that the number of large vessels calling Klaipeda Seaport has been constantly growing.  382 vessels above 200 metres in length called the Seaport in 2013, in 2014 the number of such type of vessels increased to 465 – even by 21,7 pct. 

Container handling in the Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in TEU



Yoy change in pct.

Yoy change in TEU

01-04 of 2014

01-04 of 2015






Saint Petersburg

























Ust Luga
















Cargo handling in the Eastern Coast Baltic Seaports, in thousand tn



Yoy change

in pct.

Yoy change in thou. tn

01-04 of 2014

01-04 of 2015


122 878,9

123 776,4



Ust Luga

23 020,0

27 962,9


4 942,9


19 111,5

19 870,3



Saint Petersburg

19 153,1

17 104,5


-2 048,6


13 444,0

14 069,7



Klaipeda Port

11 893,1

12 177,4



Butinges terminal

2 095,5

2 550,3




11 454,0

9 868,0


-1 586,0


10 560,4

8 346,9


-2 213,5


5 299,0

5 322,7




4 527,8

4 315,2




1 866,9

1 834,8








UST-LUGA PORT is the priority project related with cargo handling capacity development of Russian ports in the Baltic Sea region. Cargo handling capacity in January – April of 2015 increased as many as by 4,94 mln tn or by 21,5 pct. to  27,96 mln tn comparing with January – April of 2014.

Oil products, crude oil and coal constitute even 91 pct. of overall Seaport cargo handling turnover:

- 9,71 mln tn of oil products were transhiped, +25,2 pct. or + 1,95 mln yoy;

- 9,30 mln  tn of crude oil were transhiped, +27,1 pct. or +1,98 mln tn yoy;

- 6,51 mln tn of coal were handled, +13,8 pct. or +789,1 thou. tn yoy.

Other categories of cargo that made the impact on overall cargo handling turnover in the Seaport were as follows:

-Ro-Ro cargoes – 640,9 thou. tn were handled, +21,9 pct. or +115,2 thou. tn yoy; 

-metal – 269,3 thou. tn were handled, more by 673,3 times or by 268,9 thou. tn yoy.

Other categories of cargo with decreased handling rates were as follows:

-liquid natural gas – 405,0 thou. tn were transhiped, -1,9 pct. or -7,9 thou. tn yoy;

-containerised cargoes – 237,6 thou. tn were handled, -6,8 pct. or -17,3 thou. tn yoy;

-fertilizers – 152,5 thou. tn were transhiped, -1,7 pct. or -2,7 thou. tn yoy.

Altogether 12,96 mln tn of products, i.e. less by 7,6 pct. or by 1,07 mln tn were handled in  PRIMORSK PORT in January – April of 2015.

 Primorsk Port is the centre of Russian crude oil and oil products export:

15,01 mln tn of crude oil were transhiped, -2,1 pct. or -323,8 thou. tn yoy;

4,86 mln tn oil products were transhipped,  +28,6 pct. or +1 082,6 thou. tn  yoy. 

In January – April of 2015 the SEAPORT of SAINT - PETERSBURG handled 17,10 mln tn  of cargo, i.e., less  by 10,7 pct. or by 2,05 mln tn than within the corresponding period of 2014.

Basic categories of cargo that made the most significant impact on cargo handling results in January – April of 2015 were as follows: 

-containerised cargoes – 6,67 mln tn were handled, -16,3 pct. or -1 295,0 thou. tn yoy;

- oil products – 3,42 mln tn were transhiped, -6,7 pct. or -247,0 thou. tn yoy;

-fertilizers – 2,28 mln tn were transhiped, +3,5 pct. or +77,4 thou. tn yoy;

- metal – 2,20 mln tn were handled, +0,4 pct. or +8,0 thou. tn yoy;

-scrap metal – 722,8 thou. tn were handled, -0,7 pct. or -5,4 thou. tn yoy.

In January – April of 2015 the growth of cargo handling turnover by 4,7 pct. was achieved in the FREEPORT OF RIGA – altogether  14,1 mln tn were handled ( the yoy change was  +625,7 thou. tn ).

Such a significant growth was achieved due to dynamics of basic cargo categories:

the most abundant cargo of the Seaport is coal. 5,17 mln tn were handled (+9,2 pct. or +435,7 thou. tn yoy);

oil products – 3,88 mln tn were transhiped (+2,0 pct. or +77,5 thou. tn yoy);

containerised cargoes – 1,34 mln tn were handled (-0,2 pct. or -2,4 thou. tn yoy);

fertilizers – 950,9 thou. tn were handled (+36,7 pct. or +255,4 thou. tn yoy).

The reason of such a robust growth of handling volumes of fertilizers were the intensification of  handling

operations at the  new Riga Fertilizer Terminal (the joint project of the Freeport of Riga Port and Uralchem). 

Passenger traffic. The Freeport of Riga received 133,0  thou. passengers in January – April of 2015 (the yoy change was -40,3 pct. or -89,9 thou passengers). 

In January – April of 2015 the cargo handling turnover in the SEAPORT OF VENTSPILS comparing with the corresponding period of 2014 dropped down to 9,87 mln tn , i.e., -13,8 pct. or

-1 586,0 thou.  tn yoy.

Basic cargo categories that made the greatest impact on cargo handling results in January – April of 2015 were as follows:

- oil products – 5 943,0 thou. tn were transhiped, -7,2 pct. or -464,0 thou tn yoy;

- coal – 2 450,0 thou. tn were handled, -17,9 pct. or -535,0 thou. tn yoy;

- Ro-Ro cargoes – 589,0 thou. tn were handled, -0,5 pct. or -3,0 thou. tn yoy;

-timber – 179,0 thou. tn were handled, 13,9 pct. or -29,0 thou. tn yoy;

- fertilizers – 128,0 thou. tn were handled, -86,3 pct. or -809,0 thou. tn yoy.

Passenger traffic. Within the analysed period 27 371 passenger called the port of Ventspils, i.e., more by 41,3 pct. or by 7 126 passengers comparing with January – April of 2014.

Vessels. In total the Seaport accommodated 501 vessel, the yoy change was -11,1 pct, or -63 vessels.

The overall throughput in the JOINT PORT of TALLINN in January – April of 2015 was 8,35 mln tn, i.e.,-21,0 pct. or – 2 213,5 thou. tn comparing with the corresponding period in 2014.

Basic cargo categories that made the greatest impact on cargo handling results in January – April of 2015 were as follows:

oil products – 5 196,6 thou. tn were transhiped, -31,4 pct. or -2 377,6 thou. tn yoy;

Ro-Ro cargoes – 1 402,7 thou. tn were handled, +10,1 pct. or +128,9 thou. tn yoy;

containerised cargoes – 602,0 thou. tn were handled, -14,5 pct. or -102,1 thou. tn yoy;

fertilizers – 565,6 thou. tn were handled, +20,4 pct. or +95,7 thou tn.

Passenger traffic. In January –April of 2015 the Joint Port of Tallinn rendered services to 2 457,2 thou. passengers, i.e. less by  1,9 pct. or by 48,2 thou. passengers comparing with the corresponding period of 2014.

Vessels. 2 181vessel was reported to call the Port of Tallinn, i.e. more by 1,7 pct. or by 37 vessels  comparing with January – April of 2014.

5,32 mln tn of cargo, i.e. more by 0,4 pct. or by 23, 7 thou tn  were handled in  VYSOTSK SEAPORT  in January – April of 2015 comparing with the corresponding period of 2014.

Only two categories of cargo are handled in this Seaport:

oil products – 3,70 mln tn were handled, +0,8 pct. or +27,6 thou tn yoy;

coal – 1,62 mln tn  were handled, -0,2 pct. or -3,9 thou tn yoy.

The total throughput in the PORT OF KALININGRAD was 4,32  mln tn,  i.e., less by 4,7 pct. or by 212,6 thou. tn than in January – April of 2014.

Basic cargo categories that made the greatest impact on cargo handling results in January – April  of  2015 were as follows:

- oil products – 732,4 thou. tn were transhiped, -18,5 pct. or -166,6 thou. tn yoy;

- Ro-Ro cargoes – 576,5 thou. tn were handled, +24,7 pct. or +114,3 thou. tn yoy;

-metal – 384,6 thou. tn were handled, -11,9 pct. or -51,8 thou. tn;

-grain – 384,3 thou. tn were handled, -55,2 pct. or by -473,9 thou. tn yoy;

-containerised cargoes – 258,2 thou. tn were handled, -41,0 pct. or -179,7 thou. tn yoy;

-containerised cargoes (TEU) -50 570 TEU were handled, -58,2 pct. or -70 307 TEU.

The total throughput in the PORT of LIEPAJA in January – April of 2015 was 1 834,8 thou. tn, (-1,7 pct. or -32,1 tnou. tn yoy).

 Basic cargo categories making the greatest impact on cargo handling results in January – April of 2015 were as follows:

grain – 916,8 thou. tn were handled ( the throughput of grain handling accounts  as many as for 50,0 pct. of the overall cargo handling), the yoy change  was -8,2 pct. or -82,2 thou. tn.

timber– 233,0 thou. tn were handled, +32,8 pct. or by +57,6 thou. tn yoy;

Ro – Ro cargoes – 224,0 thou. tn were handled, -9,6 pct. or -23,9 thou. tn yoy.

Passenger traffic.  The number of passengers calling the Port of Liepaja was 11 749  passengers, i.e., less by 5,5 pct. or by 686 passengers yoy.

Vessels. In January – April of the current year 457 vessels called the Seaport, i.e., less by 7,3 pct. or by 36 vessels comparing with the corresponding period of the previous year.

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