Wilhelmsen Technical Solutions (WTS) has launched two upgraded fire fighting systems - the Unitor XFlow® wet pipe system, designed to protect closed ro-ro and special category spaces, and the Unitor XFlow® deluge system developed for protection of small open-ended, closed ro-ro and special category spaces, the company said in its press release.
Stein Lovskar, Commercial Development Manager, Wilhelmsen Technical Solutions, said:
“The Unitor XFlow® wet pipe and deluge systems were developed in direct response to the IMO requirements to help shipowners make their new vessels compliant. In doing so, we have designed systems based on proven components making them reliable and easy to install, as well as efficient in operation.”
Wilhelmsen Technical Solutions has offered the Unitor XFlow® low pressure water mist system since 2012. This system can be integrated with the Unitor XFlow® wet pipe and deluge systems, protecting ro-ro, machinery and accommodation spaces with one system.
A number of fires onboard freight and passenger ferries prompted the leading international research body, SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), to investigate the requirements for water-based fire suppression systems.
Its research concluded that the existing solution; a deluge system as defined in IMO resolution A.123, was not sufficient. As a consequence, IMO adopted MSC.1/Circ.1430 with prescriptive and performance based requirements reflecting the system characteristics from the Institute’s tests.