In the vast majority of cases, freight traffic on the Maasvlakte meets the environmental requirements imposed. These requirements were drawn up in close collaboration with the transport sector, in connection with the arrival of the Second Maasvlakte. About 98% of all Dutch and 84% of all foreign trucks checked already comply with the requirements. Up to now, 17,000 foreign trucks have been registered. Rotterdam is working to further increase this number.
As of 2 April 2015, every truck is recorded on camera and every offender fined. Also, physical checks are carried out on the access road to the Maasvlakte, the N15, on a regular basis. Drivers who are in breach of the law must pay on the spot.
Dutch trucks are registered automatically through a link between data from the RDW (Centre for Vehicle Technology and Information) and the Rotterdam database. The municipality of Rotterdam cannot access foreign vehicle registration data. Foreign companies are therefore obliged to register their trucks with the municipality of Rotterdam on a one-off basis. Failure to register carries a penalty of €340 for private individuals and €2,250 for businesses. Within the space of six months, more than 17,000 foreign trucks have been registered in Rotterdam. Despite the rapid growth, Rotterdam is working to further increase this number, for example by providing information via sector organisations abroad.
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