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2016 June 25   22:18

Danish ships to be issued with digital certificates

As one of the first countries in the world, Denmark will, as of 24 June 2016, put an end to the 100 years old tradition of certifying ships by means of old-fashioned certificates on paper, the  Until now, the certification has been carried out by printing, stamping and signing paper certificates and subsequently sending them around the world to be kept on board ships, the Danish Ministry of Business and Growth said in a press release.

Digital certification – or electronic certification which is the term used internationally – will put an end to these cumbersome procedures, reduce administrative workloads and pave the way for further maritime digitalisation.

The Minister for Business and Growth, Mr Troels Lund Poulsen:

”It is important for our businesses to embrace the digital era. Therefore it makes me proud that Denmark is one of the very first countries in the world to use electronic certification, which will reduce the administrative workload and save time and money in the maritime sector."

Many years’ worth of international negotiations has laid the ground for today's launching of electronic certificates. Denmark has worked in the United Nations' International Maritime Organization, IMO, to keep reduction of administrative burdens on the agenda. And electronic certificates are an excellent example of a simple, digital solution that will make life easier for Danish shipowners and seafarers on board Danish ships.

The Director General of the Danish Shipowners' Association, Ms Anne H. Steffensen:

”The Danish Maritime Authority has been working hard in the IMO to gain acceptance of electronic certificates. It is a major step in the right direction that will help reduce administrative burdens and costs imposed on Danish shipowners and ships. Denmark is in the lead here and we hope that other Flag States and classification societies will follow Denmark's initiative."

The ships' old paper certificates will be replaced one at a time as they expire. Ship owners will also get online access to their own certificates, which will further reduce the amount of administrative work.

The Ministry of Business and Growth comprising six agencies conducts thorough economic analyses and suggests policy initiatives in areas imperative to economic growth. The Ministry is responsible for a number of policy areas which are important for the general business environment, including business regulation, Intellectual Property Rights, competition and consumer policy, the financial sector and shipping. The Ministry is engaged with various international organizations enhancing international framework conditions for growth. In the European Union, the Ministry participates in the work of the councils for Competitiveness and Maritime Transport. The Ministry comprises 6 agencies.

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