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2019 April 10   10:47

RS to participate in NEFTEGAZ 2019

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping says it will introduce its services at the 19th International Exhibition "Equipment and Technologies for Oil and Gas Industry" to be held on 15 ‒ 18 April 2019, Expocentre Fairgrounds, Moscow.

RS is involved in all national projects related to offshore hydrocarbon production, including those intended for operation in severe climatic conditions of the Arctic region. The RS class is assigned to 22 mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) and 15 fixed offshore platforms (FOP), 4 pipe-laying vessels/barges and 17 various types of subsea pipelines (oil, gas, multiphase, etc.) with total length of about 600 km. In the last 5 years, RS has certified more than 130 000 t of pipe products, 2 500 production units and 80 000 t of rolled plates.

Today, other 3 subsea pipelines of various purposes are being designed and constructed to the RS class. For example, the unified subsea pipeline system under the RS technical supervision will unite the V. Filanovsky and Yu. Korchagin oil fields already engaged in commercial oil and gas production in the Caspian Sea, with the Rakushechnoye field, for the oil and gas production facilities of which RS has already approved design, and detailed design documentation review is about to begin.

RS services also include certification of oil-and-gas equipment. Thus, in February 2019, the Register performed type approval of Dresser Rand gas centrifugal compressors with a maximum capacity of 40 MW intended for offshore oil and gas facilities.

RS strives for contribution to the advancement of modern technologies and long-term engineering solutions in the industry and improves its Rules. In particular, in 2019, the Register introduces new requirements for subsea crossings required during design of complex branched pipeline systems as part of the integrated offshore field development to the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Subsea Pipelines. In addition, the Register has developed the Procedure for Technical Supervision during Design, Construction and Operation of Subsea Production Systems (SPS), Manufacture of Materials and Products for Them. Development of the RS requirements in this area is particularly relevant considering the prospects for the construction of such SPS in domestic production facilities.

The experience of supporting oil and gas projects and the high technical level of the personnel allows the Register contributing to the development of the national regulatory framework for the oil and gas industry. For example, RS has become a member of Subcommittee 11 "Technology and Equipment for Subsea Hydrocarbon Production" formed last year by the Technical Committee for Standardization of Rosstandart (TC 023), which develops national standards for equipment and technology for oil and gas production and processing, and addresses the issues related to their harmonization with the international regulatory framework.

Established in 1913, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) is one of the leading classification societies. Recognised by the European Union. Member of IACS. The RS activity is aimed at enhancing high standards of maritime safety and minimising the negative impact of human activities on the environment through scientifically based risk assessment and risk management procedures.


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