The shipping company DFDS has chosen Swedish Nowhere Networks as its strategic supplier of fast broadband on all the six vessels operating the Dover-Calais and Dover-Dunkerque routes, the company said in its release.
After having successfully evaluated Nowhere Networks’ complete Wireless Antenna Tracking Solution DFDS has decided to proceed with a full rollout on all its ships operating the heavily trafficked routes in the English Channel.
Nowhere Networks will deliver a “Network as a Service”-solution, meaning a complete service, including operation and maintenance of it. When it is up and running it is expected to deliver high speed internet broadband on all routes and on all vessels.
Nowhere Networks solutions are hassle-free and stable, providing customers with high quality broadband at a considerably lower cost compared to other available solutions on the market.
DFDS Group
DFDS is northern Europe's largest integrated shipping and logistics company, operating 30 routes, providing logistics services. DFDS is headquartered in Copenhagen and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange Copenhagen. DFDS was founded in 1866 and has provided transport services for more than 150 years. The Group's revenues amounted to DKK 15,7 billion in 2018 and has approximately 8,000 employees.
Nowhere Networks
Nowhere Networks is a Swedish fast growing innovative high-tech company offering cost efficient broadband solutions reshaping the maritime industry. Nowhere Networks own developed WATS-solution consists of land trackers ashore and ship trackers on the vessel, which auto-beams each other to reach unmatched range and capacity. The system is managed and controlled by an intelligent cloud software, also developed by Nowhere Networks.