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  3. Spliethoff Group expands fleet with 10 vessels H-type

2019 April 11   11:31

Spliethoff Group expands fleet with 10 vessels H-type

Beginning of 2019 the Spliethoff Group acquired mv Hudsongracht (HHL Elbe) and mv Humbergracht (HHL Tyne), both abt. 12.750 dwt and a combined crane capacity of 300 mt, as well as mv Heerengracht (HHL Amur) and mv Houtmangracht (HHL Mississippi), both abt. 12.750 dwt and a combined crane capacity of 360 mt. These vessels were added to Spliethoff’s H-Type series, now consisting of five vessels in total. At the same time heavy lift vessel mv Prinsengracht (HHL New York) was acquired.

More recently Spliethoff has taken over an additional five former Hansa Heavy Lift vessels. The P8-Type series, abt. 20,100 dwt, equipped with two holds and cranes with a combined capacity of 800 mt, consists of earlier acquired mv Prinsengracht and one additional vessel, named Pietersgracht (HHL Kobe).

The P14-Type series – abt 19.450 dwt, two holds and a combined crane capacity of 1,400 mt – consists of mv Pijlgracht (HHL Lagos), mv Poolgracht (HHL Fremantle), mv Pauwgracht (HHL Richards Bay) and mv Paleisgracht (HHL Tokyo).

All vessels are or will be reflagged to Dutch flag/register.

Within the Spliethoff Group a total of over 70 multipurpose and heavy lift vessels are available for the breakbulk, project and heavy transport markets. These vessels are operated in close cooperation between worldwide dry cargo specialist Spliethoff and heavy transport operator BigLift Shipping.

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