Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority consider Świnoujście to be perfect place for a deep-water terminal. Świnoujście – in the proximity of the Danish Straits, with the hinterland of the south-western Poland, within the Baltic-Adriatic corridor. The cargo to and from Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria can be transported via Poland, or even from Hungary and countries of the Adriatic Sea area - emphasizes Krzysztof Urbaś, President of the Board of Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority. The Ports Authority opened the procedure to select the future operator of the deep-water terminal in Świnoujście. Offers can be submitted until January 28, 2021.
The President of the ZMPSiŚ indicates, that location is a huge asset of this project. In addition to the geographical advantages mentioned, he adds the importance of the German hinterland. The Berlin area could be very conveniently handled at Szczecin-Świnoujście port complex. Significant element is the modernized lock in Niederfinow on the canal leading to Berlin, connecting both ports to the German waterway system and allowing for the movement of barges on the Berlin-Szczecin route.
Another advantages are rail and road connections. There are huge railway investments underway in both ports, with a value of nearly PLN 1.5 billion. The CE59 railway route, so-called "Nadodrzanka" is being renovated, and the express "No.3 road" (S3) will soon connect the ports to the southern Poland and Central European expressway and highway system. All these investments will be completed before the planned launch of the deep-water container terminal in Świnoujście.
Let us not forget also about the Oder Waterway – the work related to the restoration of navigation of this route is carried out by the office, placed inside the port structures.
Another investment that will change the image of the ports by opening the port of Szczecin to handymax type ships with a load capacity of more than 40 thousand tons is the modernization of the Świnoujscie-Szczecin waterway. This is an investment of the Maritime Office in Szczecin worth about PLN 1.4 billion. It includes the deepening of the channel up to 12.5 m over a distance of about 62 km, with simultaneous extension to width of 100 m and reconstruction of the shore slopes, deepening and widening of turning basins for ships, as well as the construction of additional hydrotechnical structures, which are two artificial islands.
The proximity of the Czech Republic, Slovakia, the aforementioned Eastern Germany, Berlin and the region of Brandenburg means that the ports of Świnoujście and Szczecin would provide the cheapest sea supply route for these areas, as well as become a transit gateway for the hinterland.
Let us also remember that ships entering the Baltic Sea through the Danish Straits, choosing Świnoujście instead of the ports of the Gdansk or Gdynia, reduce the time of sea travel by 11 hours each way, which means that both ways they need practically one day of steaming shorter. Counting the differences in the cost of passage of large ship like modern Ultra Large Container Carriers, shipowners in the event of a call to Świnoujście save 120-150 thousand dollars on every journey. If this is multiplied by the number of loops per year... And let's add the economic effect of a deep-water terminal – allowing to serve the largest vessels entering the Baltic Sea. These are very strong arguments for investors who particularly respect money, while the risks of investing is kept to a minimum.
The Management Board of the Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority announced the procedure in order to select the partner and the subsequent operator of the deep-water container terminal. Interested parties may submit their bids on 28 January 2021.
Szczecin and Świnoujście Seaports Authority created a general framework of deep-water terminal idea, which is ultimately expected to achieve the handling capacity of min. 2 million TEU. The Ports Authority expect interested parties to present the concept of the terminal. The selected entity will run the project by reclaiming part of the Pomeranian Bay to create the real estate in accordance with this general concept. The winner of the proceedings will have to minimise the impact on the nature and the environment, both during the development period and later, during operations of the terminal. Green terminal is included in the mission of this project.