Yesterday, on the 19th of May, the European Parliament approved the report of the Industry (ITRE) Committee on the European hydrogen strategy. The Dutch MEP Bart Groothuis negotiated this file on behalf of the liberal group in the European Parliament, according to the Port of Rotterdam's release.
The Industry committee believes that the international market for hydrogen should be further developed by making agreements on mutual recognition and by developing principles regarding the trade in hydrogen and new standards for hydrogen certification. The EP also calls on the European Commission and Member States to invest in port infrastructure for the import of hydrogen.
The Industry committee also underlines that multimodal sea and inland ports play a role as innovation hubs for the import, production, storage, supply and use of hydrogen. This requires space and investment in port infrastructure to make optimal use of sustainable technologies. According to the Parliament, the building of an industrial hydrogen value chain should take place along multimodal transport corridors. This is fully in line with the PoR position that the European networks for transport (TEN-T) and energy (TEN-E) must be more integrated to create synergies between projects on both transport and energy corridors.
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