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2022 March 17   17:02

Two projects selected after an open call to stimulate the circular economy in the Antwerp port area

Port of Antwerp, together with the experts from the Flemish Symbiosis Team, supported by VITO and OVAM, and essenscia (the Belgian federation of the chemical industry and life sciences sector), it has launched an open call for symbiosis projects which will contribute to closed material cycles in and around the port, according to the company's release. An independent jury chose Indaver/Marlux-Stradus and Dockwater BV as the most promising symbiosis projects. These projects, aimed at reducing residual waste and reusing water, will each start on a support project worth EUR 50,000 in the coming weeks.

The first project will involve a joint venture between Indaver and Marlux-Stradus in which concrete clinkers will be produced from secondary raw materials. Indaver processes around 450,000 tonnes of household waste or comparable industrial waste annually, which results in approximately 90,000 tonnes of bottom ash remaining.

Dockwater BV also convinced the jury with a symbiosis project in which dock water and effluent water from industrial companies in the port (including Evonik and Covestro) are processed into high-quality process water. This allows the industry to reduce its drinking water consumption significantly, thus reducing the pressure on fresh water sources in Flanders, with a positive effect on its drinking water supply. In addition, it will be investigated whether additional surface water can be returned to the docks, which would be beneficial during droughts for maintaining the level of the dock.

In the next few weeks, both companies will start their support process.


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