Globe iFusion incorporates an Inmarsat FleetBroadband 250, a dual firewall, highly optimized IP connections and multiple least cost route gateways, allowing the user to make voice calls using GSM, send and receive email, and browse the Internet. Globe iFusion also offers full shore-side control of the solution, including the administration of user profiles, browsing capabilities, firewall settings, satellite gateways and least cost routing.
Mr. Constantinos Psomopoulos, Marine Management’s Information Technology (IT) Manager commented, “The driving force behind this long established relationship with Globe Wireless has been our requirement to minimize the overall cost of our communications traffic, which has always been a very significant operational expense.” Marine Management Services used the Globe iFusion to test the operational uses of all other onboard satellite systems, including a wide range of applications, such as web browsing, internet access, email and GSM mobile phoning (inbound and outbound) and SMS. Crew members were given very low cost access to Globe iFusion’s voice and Internet services every day during their leisure hours.
Dave Kagan, President of Globe Wireless, commented “We are honored and pleased to enhance and extend our strong partnership with Marine Management Services and grateful for their business. Globe Wireless has supplied Marine Management Services with messaging solutions, satellite and HF communications services and operational IT applications since 2000.”