2015 September 22   17:28

RS at NEVA 2015

On 22 – 25 September 2015, Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS) participates in the 13-th International Maritime Exhibition and Conferences of Russia – Neva 2015, the major industry event, involving leading international and domestic maritime industry representatives, RS says in its press release. This year the exhibition will occupy the halls of EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre where in area exceeding 22 000 sq. m more than 700 companies from over 40 countries will present their products and services.

The exhibition covers all construction stages of competitive civil ships and offshore installations, manufacture of shipboard equipment and systems, design of cutting edge equipment and technologies for offshore development and operation along the Northern Sea Route, promising methods of navigation and logistics, fleet supply infrastructure, as well as various services related to the maritime transport.

RS will present its services in all key activities: classification and survey of ships of various types and purposes, approval of design and technical documentation, manufacture of materials and products, supervision of production processes, certification of the enterprise management systems, products and services.

As an internationally recognized classification society, RS develops and contributes to implementation of high standards of maritime safety. Currently, large ships for hydrocarbons transportation, oil and gas field development facilities in the Russian shelf, powerful icebreakers, multipurpose salvage and supply vessels, sophisticated trawlers are being designed and built in compliance with the RS rules. Implementation of the RS rules enables design and construction of ships and offshore facilities including those intended for operation under severe Arctic conditions, in terms of the latest achievements in the world shipbuilding, international requirements on safe navigation and pollution prevention.

At its stand, RS provides a comprehensive programme, involving presentations of the RS leading experts on the subjects of outstanding interest to the RS customers.

22 September, Tuesday: 
14:00 "Certification of Marine Equipment". 
15:00 " Development of RS and IACS Requirements to Propulsion Systems ". 
23 September, Wednesday: 
11:00 "Certification under EU RO MR Procedure". 
12:00 "Information Services for RS Clients". 
14:00 "Due Dates of Ship Survey". 
24 September, Thursday: 
11:00 "Polar Code – What is Necessary to Know?" 
12:00 "Approval of Ship Equipment to Be Operated under Low Temperatures (Winterization)". 
14:00 "Certification of Marine Equipment ".

On the last exhibition day, the RS stand will be the venue for the children's programme presentation "We are Living in the Maritime Capital", developed by Russian Maritime Register of Shipping in cooperation with the Institute of Russian Literature (the Pushkin House) of Russian Academy of Sciences, an interactive large scale model museum “Petrovskaya Akvatoria” and St. Petersburg Maritime Resource Centre for marine students of secondary schools in St. Petersburg.

You are welcome to visit the RS stand on 22 – 25 September 2015 
EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre 
Hall 1F 
Stand R1057.


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