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  3. HELCOM Pressure Group meeting focuses on reducing the input of nutrients into the Baltic Sea

2017 April 24   14:03

HELCOM Pressure Group meeting focuses on reducing the input of nutrients into the Baltic Sea

Eutrophication is a major threat to the Baltic Sea. High release of nutrients, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, to the Baltic Sea over the decades has resulted in the occasional growing of vast mass of toxic algae causing e.g. increased turbidity, oxygen depletion and changes in species composition. The reduction of the input of nutrients is one of the key tasks of the HELCOM Baltic Sea action plan.

The Sixth Meeting of HELCOM Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area (PRESSURE 6-2017) will be held in St. Petersburg, Russia 25-17 April. The Meeting will mainly focus on the follow up of the implementation of the HELCOM nutrient input reduction scheme which is an essential part of the Baltic Sea Action Plan.

The assessment of the progress towards the targets covers the assessment of maximum allowable inputs, the implementation of country-wise allocated reduction targets, the identification of major sources of nutrients and the effectiveness of applied measures.

The meeting will also address matters related to marine litter, underwater noise, hazardous substances and physical damage to the seafloor. PRESSURE working group will also follow up the current development of the HELCOM hot spot toxic waste landfill Krasnyi Bor in Russia.

HELCOM is an intergovernmental organization made up of the nine Baltic Sea coastal countries and the European Union. Founded in 1974, its primary aims as a governing body are to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea from all sources of pollution, as well as to ensure safe maritime navigation. The official name of HELCOM is the Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission; it is the governing body of the Helsinki Convention.

The Working Group on Reduction of Pressures from the Baltic Sea Catchment Area – Pressure group – focuses on nutrient and hazardous substance inputs from diffuse sources and point sources on land, including the follow-up of the implementation of the HELCOM nutrient reduction scheme. The group ensures the necessary technical underpinning as well as develops solutions to the policy-relevant questions and needs. Marine litter and underwater noise are also coordinated by this group.


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