The performance has increased, year-on-year
Passage of ships via Novosibirsk gateway is closed from September 22, says press center of Federal Marine and River Transport Agency (Rosmorrechflot).
The facility switched to the internavigational mode of operation.
According to the Ob Basin Administration of Russia’s INLAND WATER WAYS, the number of locking operations has increased by 13.3%; the number of ships that passed the gateway has surged by 64%, passenger traffic has climbed by 5.1%, cargo traffic – by 11.6%.
Construction aggregates is the main cargo transported via the Novosibirsk gateway.
Novosibirsk gateway is the only navigation facility beyond the Urals which links the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions with the Altai Territory and the Far North, which contributes to the economic development of Siberia.
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