By the order of the Government of Russia No. 82-r dated 21.01.2021, amendments of the boundaries of the seaport of Olya were made, says press center of Rosmorport.
The adjustments are related to modification of the boundaries of three sections of the territory of the seaport of Olya and the exclusion of one section.
As a result of the changes, the borders of the seaport of Olya were expanded.
Land plots of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Astrakhan Branch, on which the branch's port facilities are located, were included in the territory of the seaport of Olya. In particular, berth No. 10, which is intended for the vessels and auxiliary fleet vessels, is now included in the territory of the seaport of Olya.
As of 01.01.2021, the Astrakhan Branch in the seaport of Olya have used 8 land plots with a total area of 61.3 hectares, which amounted to 18.7% of the total territory of the seaport.